There are numerous cloud CRM systems today in the technological market but Salesforce initiated the cloud CRM system concept in 1999. Cloud computing upended the traditional on-premise model, dramatically cutting costs and reducing risk. Salesforce has refined data centre operations and helped the cloud computing industry develop to its current gigantic size in the last 20+ years. Salesforce’s requires no hardware to operate and provides massive supports for organizations, making it even easier for them improve and increase customer interactions 70% better than their competitors using on-premise. With Salesforce, organizations have been able to cut cost and save more and operate at optimum capacity.
Less Hardware, Less Manpower
On-premise systems are extremely costly to set up and maintain, and they continue to drain your budget as you hire more IT staff and incur maintenance fees. If you wish to grow your business in the future, your hardware expenditures will skyrocket. Salesforce avoids the upfront costs of on-premise competition by providing a cloud-based solution that is administered fully from a secure data centre. There is no need to deploy new gear or recruit more IT staff. With minimum cost and effort on the customer’s part, a full organization may be set up and launched.
Faster Support
When it comes to sales and technology, any downtime might result in significant revenue loss. When anything goes wrong with an on-premise system, getting an IT expert on site might take hours, and getting the problem fixed can take much longer. Spending that much time is simply unavailable in today’s business environment. Salesforce takes care of maintenance for you. There will be less downtime, less maintenance expenditures, and more time spent selling.
Easy to Scale
For an organization running an on-premise CRM solution, scaling the business up requires a substantial investment, and therefore substantial risk. Scaling up requires adding additional hardware and staff. It can take months to fully implement. With Salesforce, additional users and additional functionality can be added with a mouse clicks. No extra hardware and the risks involved. If you need to restructure your organization in the future, Salesforce changes with you.
Contact us to book a demo or know more about how Salesforce can transform your digital landscape.